Mink Stole: dating, net worth, tattoos, smoking & body measurements

Where does Mink Stole live? And how much money does Mink Stole earn? Who is Mink Stole dating in 2023? Shall the American actress Mink Stole find love in 2023? Her thin body and Grey hairtype with cupsize Does Mink Stole have official Social Media profiles?

On 25-8-1947 Mink Stole (nickname: Mink Stole) was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She made her 5 million dollar fortune with I Am Divine, Eating Out 5: The Open Weekend. The actress is currently single, her starsign is Virgo and she is now 75 years of age.

Mink Stole Facts & Wiki

Where does Mink Stole live? And how much money does Mink Stole earn?

Birth Date25-8-1947
Religion – believes in God?Christian
ResidenceShe owns an apartment in Baltimore, Maryland.

Mink Stole Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth5 million
Yearly SalaryN/A
ColleaguesEdith Massey


    Currently no houses listed.


    Currently no cars listed.

Mink Stole: Single, Dating, Family & Friends

Who is Mink Stole dating in 2023?

Relationship statusSingle
PartnerCurrently in no confirmed relationship
Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands
Expecting a baby?She is not pregnant
Has any kids?No

Shall the American actress Mink Stole find love in 2023?

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos, Skin, Hair & Eye Color

This cool beautiful talented actress originating from Baltimore, Maryland has a thin body & round face type.
Hair colorGrey
Hair typeStraight
Hair Lengthshort hair
Distinct featurecheeks
Makeup Styleedgy
Skin Tone/ComplexionType II: Fair skin
Skin TypeNormal
Eye ColorDark Blue
Height170 cm
Weight72 kilo
Feet sizeN/A
Does Mink Stole smoke?No, never

Does Mink Stole have a tattoo?No

Her thin body and Grey hairtype with cupsize
Does Mink Stole have official Social Media profiles?

