$alnum (parse-spec) function - Documentation for BMC AMI Command Center for Security 6.2

The text portion that contains alphanumeric characters (with punctuation removed) is returned and delimited by the first space character. If the parse-spec value does not return an alphanumeric text value, then the match specification is not matched.

The text portion that contains alphanumeric characters (with punctuation removed) is returned and delimited by the first space character. If the parse-spec value does not return an alphanumeric text value, then the match specification is not matched.

The following examples show target strings, parse expressions, and return values:

Target StringParse expressionReturn value
A B test123$alpha (3)test123
Test ABC123 value$alnum ($2)ABC123
Test DEF456 value$alnum (test *)DEF456
Test 009Strval999 value$alnum (test *)009Strval999
Test A1B1C1$alnum ($2)A1B1C1
This is a test V1:V2:V3$alnum (test *)V1V2V3
Test string 12345$alnum ($3)12345
Test string AAA$alnum ($4)

No match

Explanation: There is no fourth word in the string.

Test String999 value $alnum (xxx: *)

No match

Explanation: There is no match for xxx: * in the target string.

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