Former WWE World Champion Bray Wyatt was a recent guest on the ‘Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast’ which you can listen to the entire interview at this link. Below are a few of the highlights from the podcast:
On Whether or Not it Has Hit Him on His Successful 2017:
I think people expected it of me a long time ago, and I definitely expected it of myself. It was everything that I wanted to obtain while I was here. The tag team titles was a beautiful thing because it’ll go down as me and Randy winning them. Me and Randy were pretty unstoppable at the time. It was a shame that if we were still on the same page we would still have them right now; just decorate the whole place with titles. This is a huge deal for me; it’s made my life’s work complete.
On Whether or Not He Has Accomplished Everything He Wanted in Wrestling After Winning the Title:
No, it has not. There has a lot of stuff I have to do. This [winning the WWE Championship] was just something that will cement me forever and something special, my body is ready to roll for another 15 years. I’m not looking at stopping at any point. I have a lot to do, a lot that I want to achieve.
On the Physical Abuse He Puts on His Body:
I literally spent my entire life destroying my entire body. I just know I have 15 years left, I have no where else to go. This is where I belong, and hope would have it that I would last that long, so we’ll see.
On Not Being Featured at WrestleMania 32:
I was in a very bad place at last year’s WrestleMania. Emotionally and physically, I was a bit beat up, but it was like all that rage and anger drove me this year and brought me to this year where I am now. I remember last year going around these media runs last year and going to place and place and place where people would say to me how I wrestled the Undertaker last year [WrestleMania 31] and Cena at [WrestleMania 30], you have no match on the card, is it over the whole Bray Wyatt character? I would tell everyone no it’s not, just be patient. It’s just really cool for me a year later I’m walking into WrestleMania as champion and defending the title.
On How He Felt Having a Program with The Rock at WrestleMania 32:
That’s the thing, I want to be The Rock, I want to be the next Rock, and being in the ring with him and seeing the energy that he can cause with the fans is an amazing thing, but I don’t want to be the guy that gets beat up by The Rock, I want be The Rock, I want to be better than The Rock.
On How He Felt After Winning the Heavyweight Title:
As I got it it just felt surreal. I don’t remember what I was thinking in that place, at that time, I can’t remember. I do remember walking out and holding it out for the first time and seeing people looking back at me and applauding it. I’m as evil as one can be and I know I am not hiding it, but it was a true statement that they made giving it back to me the way they did.
On Amping Up His Evil Character After Being Cheered When Winning the Title:
It didn’t help that Randy [Orton] has been a real dirt bag to me lately, but I don’t think like that, I can only be me. When I come out as champion and take on Randy at WrestleMania, I will be coming out as a violent human being. People can take it as to however they want to see it, only thing is violence is on my mind.